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New Shop Coming Soon

In May 2021 we bought a new home on 9 acres in Southwest Colorado.  It was a definite fixer-upper but were super excited about the potential of the property.

As a part of the move, I had to pack up my smithy and let me just say it was a challenge. I didn't realize how many tools, steel, etc. I had collected and stored in my old shop.

Our new property has an old 20x60, three-stall loafing shed that I have  turned into my new smithy. This project is taking a lot of time and a lot of patience. Even though I have a portion of the building done other projects on the homestead are taking precedence. Everday when I walk to my shop I envision the finished project and that keeps me motivated to get the other projects done.

One of the things I am most excited about it being able to have "Intro to Blacksmithing" workshops for youth. Stay tuned for more info to come soon! Also, check back to see some pictures of the progress on the new smithy!

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